Let’s take a look to Google’s Circle Search AI: The Next Generation of Search Engines
There is no doubt Google is one of the best companies at taking the most out of being a search engine, and they have proved this time after time. The most recent product of the company, Circle Search AI, shows the company’s ambition to transform the future of search engines. The goal behind Circle Search AI is to be more focused on the user intent and context than just providing a plethora of keyword-based pages. This will add more individualized and contextualized search results to the already altered paradigm of search terms as relation algorithms. Google has greatly advanced their services in this aspect.
In What ways Circle Search AI Improves the Search Experience of Users
In all of its manifestations, Circle Search AI is the answer to highly-contextual, relevance-based AI-powered queries. Thus, it requires the user to type in their query, click the search button and expect to get relevant, context-based suggestions rather than the verbatim results that some met a decade back. A system such as Google which is AI enhanced learns from your history of searches along with your individual preferences so the next time you search for something, they have a strategy that is more effective. This means that instead of just providing generic most searched questions or terms, it provides a more contextual and accurate answer that corresponds to one’s search query.